Friday, August 30, 2013

We're the Millers Review

We're the Millers
2.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

We're the Millers has been the surprise box office hit of the summer. The $37 million picture is approaching the $100 million mark in revenue and has surpassed the grosses of summer blockbusters like Elysium and Kick-Ass 2. It's holding up incredibly well and racking up the dough despite critics' negative reviews (audiences, however, are loving it). I'm really pleased that a movie like We're the Millers is performing so well because it deserves it. It's a truly funny crowd-pleaser that maintains its raunchiness amidst the sweetness. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Admission Review

1.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

When you have Tina Fey and Paul Rudd starring in a romantic comedy, you expect fireworks. After all, they are amongst the finest comedic actors working today. But instead, we get Admission, one of the most deceptive -- and confused -- "comedies" of the year. That is, if you can even call it a comedy.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Spectacular Now Review

The Spectacular Now
3 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

There's been a resurgence of teen "coming-of-age" films. Nearly all of them have been great (The Kings of Summer and The Perks of Being a Wallflower come to mind). However, The Spectacular Now might just trump them all. With its charismatic leads and grounded naturalism, The Spectacular Now is a powerful high school film that impresses as much as it surprises.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Canyons Review

The Canyons
3.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

A porn star, a pretty boy, and Lindsay Lohan walk into a bar... wait a minute... that's not right. Hmm it sounds like the set up for a pretty good joke. But actually, it's the cast of The Canyons, the most controversial and talked-about movie of 2013. There's been a lot of buzz surrounding this partially Kickstarter-funded $250,000 indie. I'm sure you've heard the rumors of the on-set horror stories. How Lindsay was fired for being late and missing rehearsals, and then was rehired after desperate pleading. How director Paul Schrader had to strip down to nothing on set, so that Lindsay would do the same on camera. How this film would not get picked up by festivals despite being written by the acclaimed Bret Easton Ellis. And these are just some of the crazy stories, which may be true or may be falsified but scandalized to build more anticipation for the film. Critics everywhere are trashing it. Cinephiles are angry that it isn't the "so bad, it's good" train wreck that they were expecting. (It's not trying to be a campy "bad" movie). The Canyons was one of the films that I had been dying to see this year. I didn't really care about the bad reviews or the controversy. I just wanted to see it for myself. And now that I've seen it, I am absolutely stunned. The Canyons is one of the most thought-provoking, piercing, and unforgettable movies of the year.

Friday, August 2, 2013

World War Z Review

World War Z
2.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

Brad Pitt attempts to save the world and mankind as we know it from hordes of evil zombies. Ladies (and maybe gentlemen), if that doesn't have you running to the theaters with your pants in a tizzy, then I don't know what will. If you can forgive its flaws, you'll enjoy World War Z for what it is: exciting and occasionally thrilling summer entertainment.