Monday, July 16, 2012

Silent House Review

Silent House- 3 stars out of 4

Silent House is an odd little horror film. It came out in March and did not do too well at the box office. It was noteworthy for receiving an "F" CinemaScore grade. I really wish that more people saw this film and gave it a chance. It's one of the more effective horror films to come out in a couple of years. The story follows Sarah, a young woman who can't quite remember her past. She, her father, and her uncle return to their old lake house to fix it up and sell it. However, things go awry rather quickly. The three become trapped in the house, and Sarah must find out what is happening to her. We follow Sarah for the entire eighty-five minutes of the film. What's interesting is that the directors, Chris Kentis and Laura Lau, have decided to make it so that the movie appears to be done in one long take. There are no cuts or no edits (there are a couple of moments where you can tell where they might have cut the film. It seems like it would've been impossible to do in one take). Therefore, with this creative decision, you cannot rely on cheap cuts and fancy special effects to scare you. The film utilizes silence and a creepy atmosphere to get under your skin. While the film is not extremely frightening, I felt a sense of nervousness and unease for a vast majority of the running time. The best thing about this film is Elizabeth Olsen. She is one of the greatest young actresses working right now. (Those who know me know how much I loved Martha Marcy May Marlene and Olsen's flawless, brave performance). She is able to convey fear and sadness with such ease. She gives a tremendous performance that is startlingly incredible. With another actress, this film could've been boring, but Olsen always makes the film interesting. One of the negatives of the film is the ending. While it isn't nearly as terrible as people said it was, it is strange, and it makes you really rethink what came before. Therefore, the ending is a little baffling, a little frustrating, and quite unoriginal. Despite some flaws, Silent House is a fresh horror film that will grip you entirely.

21 Jump Street (2012) Review

21 Jump Street- 3 stars out of 4

A 21 Jump Street film really wasn't necessary. I don't know too many people who actually watched the original television series. But after seeing this film, I can say that I'm glad that this film was made. 21 Jump Street is one of the freshest and one of the most engaging action comedies in a while. You know the story. Two cops who go undercover as students to infiltrate a high school and to discover the source of drug circulation. And hilarity ensues. What is great about this film is that it doesn't take itself seriously at all. The original show was a drama. This is a dumb and crude comedy. It has multiple pop culture references. It pokes fun at itself. It plays with action comedy cliches. And it knows how to entertain. Jonah Hill is really great here. As usual, he plays the goofy smart kid and excels in each scene that he is given. And Channing Tatum completely knocks it out of the park. Many people dismiss Tatum is a "bad actor." I've always thought that he was quite good. With this film, he can change the minds of many. He proves that he is a really gifted comic actor, and I can't wait to see him in more comedies. He knows how to make fun of himself. He knows how to play dumb and utilize his looks. And he knows how to make a great "dumb face" that is priceless. When I watched this film, people were laughing their heads off and were having an absolute blast. I was right there laughing and enjoying every minute of the film with them.

This Means War Review

This Means War- 3 stars out of 4

This Means War was critically trashed. Many said that the film was mean-spirited, unfunny, stupid, and unnecessary. I will disagree with the critics and proudly say that I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I can't think of too many recent movies that have been more fun or more hilarious than this film. This Means War follows two CIA agents, Tuck and FDR, who try to win the heart of the same woman. The cast is excellent. Reese Witherspoon is lovely and likable as the smart businesswoman who is conflicted with choosing the right man. Chris Pine shows off his boyish charm and comedic skills as the daring playboy. Tom Hardy oozes charisma and talent as the nice guy. And Chelsea Handler steals each scene as the best friend, with her crazy humor. (She basically plays herself in this movie). The comedic moments are hilarious, the action sequences are cool, and the story is always engaging. While the film is not incredibly deep, it entertained me from beginning to end. And I believe that that was the director McG's goal with the film. It's a non-summer summer movie that's a lot of fun.

Wanderlust Review

2.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

This strange, awkward, ridiculous, and uncomfortable film is one of the wackiest comedies in years. It tells the story of a New York couple that moves into a hippie-type community after experiencing some hardships in the city. And that's it. There really isn't much of a plot. What this film does consist of is sitcom-esque scenes and scenarios that are jammed together to fill up a feature length film. This is Wanderlust's strength and weakness. Some of the jokes and comedic situations fall flat. For example, the "after-effects" of drugs can be funny, but a lot of the "drug scenes" in the film don't bring much new to the table. However, when the jokes succeed, they are truly hilarious. (The highlight of the whole film involves Paul Rudd's character alone in the bathroom. Incredibly funny stuff). When I say that this film is uncomfortable, I mean that this film literally had me cringing. You never know what to expect from this film. Some of the imagery and the dialogue are disgustingly crude and strange in mostly good ways. Jennifer Aniston gives a good performance. It seems like she broke out of her comfort zone (like she did in Horrible Bosses) to be in this film. She has some truly funny moments. However, Paul Rudd is the true star player. He gives a fearless performance and takes so many risks that many comedic actors would not dare take. He absolutely sells each scene and elevates some of the duller material. While Wanderlust is nowhere near perfect, it is a good comedy that is original and most importantly, funny. 

Series of Reviews Coming Now

Hello, everyone! I'm sorry that I've been absent for quite some time! I have been super busy. But that hasn't stopped me from seeing a lot of movies! I am about to swamp my blog with tons of reviews. Most of them will be quite short (since not all the movies are extremely fresh in my head). However, for the newest releases, I will post longer reviews. Thank you for reading, and sorry for the wait!