Monday, July 16, 2012

21 Jump Street (2012) Review

21 Jump Street- 3 stars out of 4

A 21 Jump Street film really wasn't necessary. I don't know too many people who actually watched the original television series. But after seeing this film, I can say that I'm glad that this film was made. 21 Jump Street is one of the freshest and one of the most engaging action comedies in a while. You know the story. Two cops who go undercover as students to infiltrate a high school and to discover the source of drug circulation. And hilarity ensues. What is great about this film is that it doesn't take itself seriously at all. The original show was a drama. This is a dumb and crude comedy. It has multiple pop culture references. It pokes fun at itself. It plays with action comedy cliches. And it knows how to entertain. Jonah Hill is really great here. As usual, he plays the goofy smart kid and excels in each scene that he is given. And Channing Tatum completely knocks it out of the park. Many people dismiss Tatum is a "bad actor." I've always thought that he was quite good. With this film, he can change the minds of many. He proves that he is a really gifted comic actor, and I can't wait to see him in more comedies. He knows how to make fun of himself. He knows how to play dumb and utilize his looks. And he knows how to make a great "dumb face" that is priceless. When I watched this film, people were laughing their heads off and were having an absolute blast. I was right there laughing and enjoying every minute of the film with them.

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