Thursday, March 14, 2013

Side Effects Review

Side Effects
3 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

Hello everyone! I know that I haven't posted in a long time. My apologies. I'm attempting to start the 2013 year off stronger by posting many more reviews. So, we begin with a review of the first 2013 film that I saw: Side Effects

Normally, films that are released early in the year are films that are not expected to be good. Studios dump them out post-Oscar season, when many people are not going to the theaters. However, don't dismiss all these early releases. Take Side Effects, for example. I guarantee that this is a film that will challenge, engage, and entertain audiences as much as any other film this year. Let's dive in.

Side Effects tells the story of Emily (Rooney Mara), a young woman who struggles with depression. When her mental state of being worsens with each passing day, she turns to Dr. Banks (Jude Law) for help. She inquires about a new experimental drug, which supposedly helps many people out with their mental distress. Dr. Banks agrees to prescribe the medication for her. However, as the title suggests, this experimental drug carries some serious side effects that create a great deal of chaos and disorder in Emily's world.

I really don't want to give too much of the plot away because this is a film that you must see without knowing anything. I recommend that you don't read too many reviews and that you avoid the trailers because they may give away too much information. Part of the fun of this film is not knowing anything. Just go in with an open mind, and you'll be entertained throughout the entirety of the film.

I will say that this film always surprised me. I never knew exactly where it was going, and the final moments of the film are ridiculously twisty. It makes for one crazy thriller that might make your brain hurt. It starts off as one movie, and by the second half, it transforms into a completely different type of film. I admit that I enjoyed the first half better than the second, but I don't want to say why because to do so might spoil some of the fun. Just see it and judge for yourself.

The cast in this film is stellar. Rooney Mara gives a wonderfully complex performance. She conveys so much emotion without words, and she has the ability to give off an icy coldness that is, quite simply, chilling. She is mesmerizing and effective in each frame. Jude Law is always outstanding, and in Side Effects, it is not an exception. Whether he is being the warm family man or the harsh doctor, Law always commands the screen. The supporting players are great as well. Catherine Zeta-Jones is incredibly cool and calculated as Emily's former therapist. Channing Tatum is also quite good as Emily's husband. He doesn't get to do much, but he does bring some great depth to his character.

Soderbergh's direction is strong. The film is always tense and never loosens its grip. He shoots the film in an interesting fashion. The colors are always sorta washed out and hazy, to give a "drug" effect. He also utilizes many close-ups (which, if my memory serves me correct, he doesn't normally utilize that much), so that we can really understand and get inside the heads of these characters. He draws out wonderful performances from his actors and makes sure that the film will have you thinking long after it's over. 

Side Effects is supposedly Steven Soderbergh's last film. If that's true, it's a shame because Soderbergh is one of the most talented directors of his generation. However, if it is his last film, at least he leaves us with a great thriller that is entirely gripping and tense. Three stars out of four. 

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