Sunday, April 14, 2013

Evil Dead Review

Evil Dead
3 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

When was the last time you used the word "gnarly"? Now think of the last time you used that word to describe a movie? "Gnarly" is a word that I never use, and yet, it's the first adjective that popped into my mind right after watching Evil Dead. It's a film that is so ridiculously over-the-top and so insanely crazy that it shouldn't work. And surprisingly, it does. Evil Dead is the best horror movie I've seen in a while. It's a blast.

This cross between a remake and a reboot of Sam Raimi's cult classic The Evil Dead follows a similar story to the original. (Side note: I have not yet seen the original, but I've heard that the plot of the 2013 film is similar to the plot of the 1981 original). Five friends venture to a cabin in the woods. The twist with this 2013 film is that the trip is not simply for recreation. It is taking place so that Mia (Jane Levy) can clear her head and break her heroin/drug addiction. Mia is joined by her brother, David (Shiloh Fernandez), David's girlfriend (Elizabeth Blackmore), and two other friends (Jessica Lucas and Lou Taylor Pucci). Soon enough, the five friends end up in a dark basement and discover a terrible book that unleashes some awful demons. Demonic possession and bloodshed occur as the friends attempt to stop this curse and live to see another day. 

Director Fede Alvarez must be praised for crafting the wildest horror movie in years. He succeeds in creating a film that is incredibly entertaining and sinfully fun. It's not as scary as you might expect, but it does have some nice jump scares. Alvarez knows how to sustain tension and makes good use of lighting so that the shocks and jolts pack a punch. However, amidst all the horror and suspense is a fair amount of humor. I found myself laughing out loud more than I expected -- and more than some of the other terrified audience members. Some of the scenes are so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh. However, Alvarez never delves too far into comedy. He walks a fine line between horror and comedy. Evil Dead is supposedly much more serious and horror-oriented than the original. However, expect to alternate between laughing, screaming, and squealing. 

What's most controversial about Evil Dead is the on-screen violence. This film was originally rated NC-17 before being edited down to a hard R. And boy, is this movie violent. There are multiple cringe-inducing moments that will have you squirming in your seat. The amount of blood and gore in this film is unbelievable. You're gonna feel like taking a shower after this one. I can't remember the last time I've seen so many brutal scenes of intense, grisly violence. Chainsaws, needles, knives, guns, and pokers are just some of the weapons used in this film. When you see some of these objects penetrate the flesh, it can be downright nasty. And yet, it makes Evil Dead that much more fun. The blood and gore absolutely fits the zany world of the story. It doesn't feel gratuitous or out of place. The fact that Alvarez chose to use practical effects throughout the film makes the violence all the more effective. The makeup is great, and the lack of cheesy CG is even better. Evil Dead promises a wild roller coaster of a movie, and it delivers on every level.

While Evil Dead is a great horror movie that's much better than the average horror release, it isn't without its problems. My main complaint with the film is that I didn't really connect with any of the characters. I suppose I identified a little bit with David and Mia because these siblings are the main focus of the movie. However, I was never emotionally attached to them. The other characters are pretty insignificant as well. There's not much depth to them. None of the characters are truly fleshed out, so you might not care either way whether they survive or die by the end. Another minor quibble is that besides Jane Levy, the cast is fine but not great. Levy gives it her all and has the most physically and emotionally demanding performance in the film. She is very good here. However, the other actors don't truly excel. By no means are any of them bad, but no one really stands out as outstanding either. Perhaps it's because their characters aren't given enough to do. Ultimately, these are minor flaws that don't really detract from the awesomeness of this movie.

Evil Dead is one hell of a ride, and I loved every minute of it. It's thrilling, funny, brutal, daring, and entertaining. What else could you want in a horror movie? It's worth the price of admission, and then some. Evil Dead is the most fun I've had at the movies this year. Horror fans, this is the movie you've been waiting for. Three stars out of four.

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