Friday, December 20, 2013

Ass Backwards Review

Ass Backwards
2.5 stars out of 4
By Brett Takeshita

Heard of Ass Backwards? Yeah, I didn't think so. Neither did I. I was fortunate enough to catch a screening of this little-seen, under-the-radar indie comedy and had a great time. While this isn't a particularly fresh or inventive comedy, Ass Backwards works thanks to its wonderful, charming leads.

Kate (June Diane Raphael) and Chloe (Casey Wilson) have been best friends since childhood. They are approaching 30 but still have a lot of growing up to do. Kate gives her eggs to couple's who cannot have children. Chloe is a cage dancer at small night clubs. Both girls find life to be comfortable but a little unfulfilling. One day, they run into their arch nemesis, Laurel (Alicia Silverstone), who rubs it in the girls' faces that they are poor losers without real jobs or lives. After all, Laurel was the beauty pageant queen who took the crown from Kate and Chloe. Of course she is so much cooler than them. When Kate and Chloe get an invitation to another beauty pageant, the girls pack their bags and take a road trip to claim what should've been their's all those years ago.

This is the second feature script from Raphael and Wilson, and while the story treads some familiar territory, Ass Backwards often succeeds. Sure, we've seen it all before. There's the wild road trip with a million setbacks. There are the girls growing up and learning more about themselves and each other. There's the wacky final act when the girl's finally get to the pageant to compete. However, the way in which these characters go about these familiar story elements is what is interesting. Kate and Chloe are totally likable characters. I didn't buy that ridiculous airheads like these girls would exist in the real world, but I really liked these characters. They have such upbeat positivity and infectious joy. I also like how these girls really need each other. Ass Backwards actually explores female-female relationships quite nicely and truly makes us understand why these girls are "BFFs." There is something interesting in Kate and Chloe's relationship that is missing from so many buddy comedies, and that is true heart.

June Diane Raphael and Casey Wilson are an absolute joy to watch. It helps that they are best friends in real life because their chemistry is on point throughout. These are some of the finest and most underrated comedic actresses working today. I love how bold they are, and they truly aren't afraid to go for the jugular when it comes to comedy. They are also master improv-ers, so it's wonderful to see these girls let loose and have fun. I'm so glad that they chose to act in their own film because they are pure delight.

Director Chris Nelson seems to be a great partner for Raphael and Wilson because he really nails the lively humor of this film. Whether it's a zany physical gag or a dirty verbal joke, Nelson knows how to play-out the scenes so that maximum laughter is achieved. Sure the jokes are hit-or-miss at times, but Nelson does his best to keep all the focus on Kate and Chloe, which is smart considering how amazing Raphael and Wilson are. They completely own this film.

While it drags in parts and never presents us with themes that we haven't seen before, Ass Backwards is a fun and often hilarious ride that is worth taking.

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