Saturday, May 12, 2012

Film Reviews (Capsule): December 2011 and January 2012 Part 1

From my Tumblr.

Movie Reviews Part 1 (December and January)

Hi everyone! I planned on finishing my list for the best movies of 2011 a while ago, but there are still a couple more movies that I'd like to see before I finalize the list. Therefore, I will continue with my last set of capsule reviews. I'm splitting up the reviews into 2 parts so that you don't die from the long posts/boredom. There are some strong films here, but this bunch of films isn't up to the quality of other recent movies:
DVD/On Demand:
1.     Straw Dogs- 3 and 1/2 stars
After some very mediocre reviews, I was really hesitant to see this movie. But I still gave it a shot and ended up loving it. Straw Dogs is an excellent film, and in my opinion, it's one of the best and most brutal thrillers made in the past few years. The cast here is outstanding, particularly Alexander Skarsgard who uses his star presence to make a complex villain who is both charming and brooding. The last act of this film is insanely thrilling and violent. This isn't a movie for everyone. It's difficult to watch. This story about a group of deranged men who harass an innocent couple is extremely menacing and dark. At times, it's pretty uncomfortable. And it's a slow-burning movie that gradually builds tension. I like that it takes its time to flesh out the characters and establish the setting. It sets itself apart from a lot of other cliched thrillers/horror films.
2.     Beginners- 2 stars

Let me first start off by saying that Beginners has one of the best casts of the year. Christopher Plummer is pretty much guaranteed to win the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. He deserves it. He's excellent here as an old man with cancer who decides to come out to his son. Ewan McGregor equals him. He gives a tender and layered performance. Melanie Laurent is absolutely charming. So where does this movie go wrong? It's an indie picture that is too "indie." The film moves at an extremely slow pace. It focuses more on McGregor's relationship with Laurent, which isn't nearly as interesting as his relationship with his father. I really wanted to like this film. It's a shame that it's simply too depressing and too slow to be enjoyable.
3.     Margin Call- 2 and 1/2 stars

Margin Call chronicles a fictional account of a company realizing that the 2008 financial crisis is about to occur. Within a 24 hour time span, we see multiple characters struggling to comprehend the madness of impending doom. The script here is really strong, and I liked how the writing sorta dumbs down and explains things to the viewers who don't really understand economics. The cast includes many A-listers who are excellent. Sometimes, the subtle direction comes across as a little drab, and the plot kinda meanders, but it really is an excellent Wall Street thriller.
4.     Moneyball- 1 and 1/2 stars

This is one of the biggest disappointments of the year. Reviews for this film were absolutely glowing. I didn't like this movie. This film about Billy Beane and the use of statistics to raise the quality of the Oakland A's is both repetitious and dry. So many of the scenes are really boring. Brad Pitt is the only really great thing about this movie. He gives one of his best performances. Besides a couple of witty lines of dialogue and a few well directed scenes, this film ranks among the worst of the year. 
5.     Contagion- 3 and 1/2 stars

This thriller really left an impression upon me. I am a little germaphobic, so all the scenes of human contact with germs sorta made me squirm. I really liked this film because it's believable. It's one of the most realistic disaster outbreak movies you'll ever see. Plus, the humongous excellent cast doesn't hurt. All of the stories are really compelling, and once the complex layers start coming together, the film becomes really satisfying. 
6.     Hanna- 3 stars

This thriller about a little assassin fleeing away from evil operatives is really exciting. Saoirse Ronan is excellent in this film, and the score by the Chemical Brothers ranks among the best of the year. The action sequences are stunningly choreographed, and Hanna is a really interesting protagonist. I wish that the twist towards the end was a little more shocking and that some of the scenes were a little more believable, but I really enjoyed this movie. It's like an action thriller that collides with a fairy tale.  
7.     Weekend- 3 stars

This little-known British film is one of the best romance movies of the year. I didn't know if I really wanted to see this movie (especially considering the subject matter), but after hearing great reviews, I saw it and loved it. This film tells the story of two men who meet at a bar, hook up, and then spend the weekend together as they find out more about each other and themselves. The performances here are outstanding, and the director does an excellent job of making the movie feel real and naturalistic. This isn't specifically a "gay" movie. It's a romance movie that's applicable to all people, regardless of sexuality. The final moments of this movie are really haunting. Like one of my favorite movies Once, the ending is both heartbreaking and uplifting. 

The Debt- 2 and 1/2 stars

This is another compelling thriller that chronicles Jewish spies who are ordered to take down an evil Nazi doctor. This twisty little film has an excellent cast and some really brutal action sequences. The plot device of flashing back and forth between the present and the past is both a strength and a weakness. Sometimes, it makes the film more exciting. Sometimes, it makes it more confusing. Plus, the story of the past is more interesting than the story of the present, so I found myself not liking the latter half of the film as much. Still, the pacing of The Debt is quite good, and I was continually guessing as to where the plot would go. I enjoyed this movie. 
8.     Jane Eyre- 3 stars

This is a really lovely adaptation of the book. The director does an excellent job by turning this gothic romance story into something more. It's dark, deep, and occasionally, really frightening and suspenseful. The actors and actresses in this film are all outstanding, the color palette and production design of the film is beautiful, and the costume design is really exquisite. I like that this film twists the novel a little bit by putting things out of sequence and fast forwarding through some of the more boring parts of the book. This is a fine movie.
9.     The Change-Up- 2 and 1/2 stars

This film doesn't really do anything new with the "switched bodies" comedy genre, but it is a fun movie. Reynolds and Bateman are pretty hilarious, and their performances are really strong. I liked how this film really goes for a "hard R" rating. At times, the raunchiness feels a little forced, and the jokes aren't always great, but I was amused the entire time. Towards the end, the movie actually has some nice messages, which is a strange but interesting touch.

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