Saturday, May 12, 2012

Film Reviews (Capsule): October 2011

From my Tumblr.

More capsule reviews for your reading pleasure. Overall, a good month for movies!

1. Thor- 3 stars

I finally saw this movie after many months of wanting to see it. What can I say about it? It’s absolutely ridiculous, even insanely stupid at times. But you know what? I kinda dug it. Chris Hemsworth is the perfect lead, and he totally sells each line. It’s entertaining with a good story and fun action.

2. Martha Marcy May Marlene- 3 and 1/2 stars

Definitely gets the award for the craziest film title of the year. But besides that, it’s a mind-blowing picture that’s beautiful, thoughtful, suspenseful, and disturbing. Elizabeth Olsen gives one of the best female performances of the year. The cinematography is absolutely stunning, and the direction is pitch-perfect. One of the few movies to truly haunt me after the very last, ambiguous (and disturbing) frame.

3. Melancholia- 4 stars

I lied when I said Drive was the only movie getting 4 stars from me. This film is the most emotionally affecting film I’ve seen in quite some time, and its effects stayed with me long after it was over. Kirsten Dunst is incredible. Lars Von Trier has made one of the most ambitious pictures of the year. From it’s exquisitely lush opening sequence to it’s divinely terrifying ending, it’s a film that is suspenseful yet quiet, sad but strangely true. The film has the most beautiful visuals of the year. Nothing can compare to it. A complete knockout that dares to be big and bold and absolutely achieves it. 

4. Paranormal Activity 3- 3 stars

While it’s not quite as good as the first film or nearly as scary as its predecessors, Paranormal Activity 3 is the most fun installment in the series. I liked how it’s so aware. It knows exactly what the audience wants, and it delivers in terms of suspense, cheap scares, and humor (which the other films lacked). The characters are well developed, and the use of the camera attached to the fan is inventive and smart. I must admit that the ending was scary, creepy, and surprising. It definitely rattled my nerves. 

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